Young 3Rs Investigator Awards: Nominations are open until April 12, 2024
The Young 3Rs Investigator Award will now be awarded to two young researchers for their services in promoting the 3Rs principle, each of whom will receive CHF 2500. The deadline has been extended to 12 April 2024.
Owing to a major contribution to NRP 79, the Young 3Rs Investigator Award is being relaunched in order to present two awards. The prize money is being increased from this year – the winners will each receive prize money of CHF 2,500 as well as the opportunity to create a short video about their activities on implementing the 3Rs and/or to present their work to a special 3Rs event at the 3R Competence Centre.
Any person based in Switzerland is eligible who has made significant advancements in topics related to the 3Rs, whether in research, education, caretaking or management. Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the quality of the contributions and on their impact on the 3Rs in either a scientific, regulatory, industrial or educational context.